I’m so excited to announce, I have a new collection of original work up in the shop! The collection is titled “Affirmations”.
These works are all about positivity, encouragement, and self-growth.

In late 2021, I started an affirmation and gratitude practice. It wasn’t anything fancy or super structured. I simply started taking a few minutes every day to intentionally be grateful and focus on some simple affirmations. The affirmations were encouraging words, I needed to hear. I also reflected on the gifts around me – the good things and incredible people in my life. This small shift had a really big impact on my mindset. I noticed I was feeling more positive, inspired and I had a renewed sense of purpose. This collection was created because I wanted to share those feelings with the world, and spread the positive vibes.
Mixed-media materials
Man, I love mixed-media! It’s so fun to take a variety of materials and see how they interact and play together. The paintings in this collection are composed of several layers of charcoal, graphite, acrylic ink, acrylic paint, and even a little coffee. Gotta love coffee! 🙂

Why “Affirmations”
As each painting was coming together I reflected on the affirmations that I had chosen to focus on. I believe in myself, I am confidently stepping out of my comfort zone, I have the ability to succeed, I am grateful for the good things in my life, I am a dream chaser, and I choose positivity, these were the things I needed to hear and believe about myself at the time.
Everyone is battling something, and some years are harder than others. 2021 and 2022 have brought some big emotional challenges my way.

Just to skim the surface of what I’ve been struggling with…
The studio I taught at part-time for 20+ years was closing. This left many unexpected voids, some of them I’m still working thorough. I have also been feeling unfulfilled with a corporate job that just isn’t serving me anymore, not creatively or personally. My boys are the most important things in my world. Since the birth of my son three years ago, I’ve been struggling how to balance work and being a mom. Priority is fluid, but this is something corporate America has a hard time understanding. I also went through a miscarriage this past summer, and I am still navigating the loss.

The affirmations above helped me to focus on the positive and channel my energy. It was only appropriate to title each painting with the same power phrases that have been rolling around in my head.

Like an affirmation gaining strength by daily repetition, I kept going back to the canvas mark after mark. Each move and layer built up interest, texture and complexity.

In my shop you can check out the Affirmations collection, other original paintings and order prints.
Whether you just love color and texture, or if you connect deeply with the meaning of a certain painting, there’s something for everyone. I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I loved creating it!

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